Is Regression Testing & Re-Testing the Same Or Different In Software Testing?

Mukta Sharma
2 min readAug 25, 2023

Regression testing and re-testing are NOT the same in software testing. They serve different purposes and are carried out at different stages in the testing process.

Here’s a clarification along with real-time examples for you:


Note: Re-testing involves testing the same test case again with the same inputs to ensure that a reported defect has been fixed. It verifies whether the specific defect has been successfully addressed and whether the desired functionality is working as expected now.

Example: Imagine you found a defect where a login page was not accepting valid credentials. After the development team fixes this issue, you will perform re-testing by logging in with the same valid credentials to verify that the problem has been resolved.

Regression Testing:

Note: Regression testing ensures that new changes or enhancements introduced into the application do not adversely affect existing functionalities.

A second importantpoint about regression testing is that it involves running a suite of test cases, including both the ones that are directly related to the changes and the ones that aren’t, to catch unintended side effects.

Example: Suppose you’re testing an e-commerce website. You’ve added a new feature that allows users to filter products based on price range. So, as part of regression…



Mukta Sharma

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